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Can you drink coffee whilst doing a juice cleanse?

So you are ready to try a cleanse, but the biggest concern is “BUT what about coffee? Do I really have to quit?”

If you have committed to investing in a cleanse, you really want to get the most out of the experience, right?! Well coffee can hinder your cleanse progress and overall success, and generally coffee is harsh on our gut.

We advise taking a break from your coffee habit whilst cleansing and reducing caffeine intake before you cleanse too.

Understanding Coffee's Impact on Your Detox Journey:

Quitting coffee will help increase the benefits you feel from a juice cleanse, as caffeine negatively effects some of our bodies essential processes.

Disrupts Sleep Patterns:  Caffeine blocks the sleep-promoting receptors in your brain, making it harder to sleep.

Raises Stress Hormones:  Ever had the coffee jitters? Caffeine raises cortisol and adrenaline levels, which is similar to a stress response. We want to promote a mindful, calm detox experience.

Alters pH Levels: Coffee actually has a high acidity level, so can cause acid reflux and digestive discomfort. When cleansing we are aiming to reduce acidity with lots of alkalising ingredients.

How to survive a cleanse without coffee?

With all that being said, how do we cleanse without caffeine?

  1. Gradually reduce caffeine intake before the cleanse, this includes soda and energy drinks which also contain a lot of caffeine. Going cold turkey at the start of a cleanse can be really challenging as you're dealing with both the detox symptoms and the caffeine withdrawal symptoms
  1. Have some coffee alternatives on hand, our Digestive Tea is great for a warming cup. Also consider dandelion coffee as a great alternative to your regular caffeine beverage.
  1. Stay hydrated, and drink lots of water throughout the cleanse. This will aid the detox process and keep you feeling full.
  1. If you're feeling low in energy, remember to keep the juices 1.5 hours apart to satiate cravings and boost energy levels.

Use these tips to get through your next cleanse caffeine-free. The increased benefits will have you feeling great after your next juice detox.

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Can you drink coffee whilst doing a juice cleanse?

Posted by Lynda Scantlebury on

So you are ready to try a cleanse, but the biggest concern is “BUT what about coffee? Do I really have to quit?”

If you have committed to investing in a cleanse, you really want to get the most out of the experience, right?! Well coffee can hinder your cleanse progress and overall success, and generally coffee is harsh on our gut.

We advise taking a break from your coffee habit whilst cleansing and reducing caffeine intake before you cleanse too.

Understanding Coffee's Impact on Your Detox Journey:

Quitting coffee will help increase the benefits you feel from a juice cleanse, as caffeine negatively effects some of our bodies essential processes.

Disrupts Sleep Patterns:  Caffeine blocks the sleep-promoting receptors in your brain, making it harder to sleep.

Raises Stress Hormones:  Ever had the coffee jitters? Caffeine raises cortisol and adrenaline levels, which is similar to a stress response. We want to promote a mindful, calm detox experience.

Alters pH Levels: Coffee actually has a high acidity level, so can cause acid reflux and digestive discomfort. When cleansing we are aiming to reduce acidity with lots of alkalising ingredients.

How to survive a cleanse without coffee?

With all that being said, how do we cleanse without caffeine?

  1. Gradually reduce caffeine intake before the cleanse, this includes soda and energy drinks which also contain a lot of caffeine. Going cold turkey at the start of a cleanse can be really challenging as you're dealing with both the detox symptoms and the caffeine withdrawal symptoms
  1. Have some coffee alternatives on hand, our Digestive Tea is great for a warming cup. Also consider dandelion coffee as a great alternative to your regular caffeine beverage.
  1. Stay hydrated, and drink lots of water throughout the cleanse. This will aid the detox process and keep you feeling full.
  1. If you're feeling low in energy, remember to keep the juices 1.5 hours apart to satiate cravings and boost energy levels.

Use these tips to get through your next cleanse caffeine-free. The increased benefits will have you feeling great after your next juice detox.